paginator_b64 = false; // don't base64 encode // define vars var _charset = 'utf-8'; var _twoletterlangid = 'en'; // define messages var jsNothingSelected = 'You did not select any items. Please first check the box(es) next to the item(s) you wish to perform this operation on.'; var jsNothingFound = 'There are no items to choose from.'; var jsNothingSelectedButContinue = 'You did not select any items, so this action will be performed on all items!' + '\n\n' + 'If you wish to select specific items first, then please cancel this action, then check the box(es) next to the item(s) you wish to perform this operation on.' + '\n\n' + 'Are you sure you wish to continue?' ; // global strings (used everywhere) var replaceAlert1 = 'Please type in the phrase to replace...'; var replaceAlert2 = 'You did not provide a phrase to replace. Type it in now...'; var replaceAlert3 = 'You did not provide within which areas should this text be replaced.\n\nWould you like to replace text \'%s\' with text \'%s\' EVERYWHERE?'; var versionsNotFound = 'No versions found.'; var jsAllItemsWillBeDeleted = 'All items will be deleted.'; var jsAllItemsWillBeClosed = 'All items will be closed.'; var jsTitleAdd = '» Add'; var jsTitleEdit = '» Edit'; var jsTitleDelete = '» Delete'; var jsTitleVersion = 'Past Versions'; var jsEdit = 'Edit'; var jsDelete = 'Delete'; var jsRemove = 'Remove'; var jsAdd = 'Add'; var jsUpdate = 'Update'; var jsSave = 'Save'; var jsImport = 'Import'; var jsNext = 'Next'; var jsOK = 'OK'; var jsCancel = 'Cancel'; var jsBack = 'Back'; var jsContent = 'Content'; var jsSetAsDefault = 'Set as Default'; var jsHtmlEditor = 'HTML Editor'; var jsTextEditor = 'Text Editor'; var jsNotAvailable = 'N/A'; var jsNone = 'None'; var jsDefault = 'Default'; var jsSubmit = 'Submit'; var jsReset = 'Reset'; var jsBranding = 'Branding'; var jsPrint = 'Print'; var jsForward = 'Forward'; var jsOptions = 'Options'; var jsUnknown = 'Unknown'; var jsCheck = 'Check'; var jsOrderNotSaved = 'You have not saved your order changes.'; var jsSearching = 'Searching...'; var jsSorting = 'Sorting...'; var jsFiltering = 'Filtering...'; var jsSaving = 'Saving...'; var jsDeleting = 'Deleting...'; var jsRemoving = 'Removing...'; var jsReplacing = 'Replacing...'; var jsWorking = 'Working...'; var jsReverting = 'Reverting...'; var jsConnecting = 'Connecting...'; var jsImporting = 'Importing...'; var jsChecking = 'Checking...'; var jsInstalling = 'Installing...'; var jsUpdating = 'Updating...'; var jsResetting = 'Resetting...'; var jsSending = 'Sending...'; var jsStarting = 'Starting...'; var jsResuming = 'Resuming...'; var jsPausing = 'Pausing...'; var jsStopping = 'Stopping...'; var jsRestarting = 'Restarting...'; var jsEnabling = 'Enabling...'; var jsDisabling = 'Disabling...'; var jsFetching = 'Fetching...'; var jsCounting = 'Counting...'; var jsAdding = 'Adding...'; var jsApproving = 'Approving...'; var jsWait4AWhile = 'Please wait, this can take a while.'; var jsFilteringOn = 'on'; var jsFilteringBetween = 'between'; var jsFilteringAnd = 'and'; var jsOptionEdit = 'Edit'; var jsOptionDelete = 'Delete'; var jsOptionView = 'View'; var jsOptionReply = 'Reply'; var jsOptionPublic = 'Public'; var jsOptionRestore = 'Restore'; var jsOptionPreview = 'Preview'; var jsOptionDownload = 'Download'; var jsOptionTest = 'Test'; var jsOptionRun = 'Run'; var jsOptionResume = 'Resume'; var jsOptionContinue = 'Continue'; var jsOptionRestart = 'Restart'; var jsOptionPause = 'Pause'; var jsOptionStop = 'Stop'; var jsOptionReports = 'Reports'; var jsOptionLog = 'Log'; var jsOptionExport = 'Export'; var jsOptionHTML = 'HTML'; var jsOptionXML = 'XML'; var jsOptionEnable = 'Enable'; var jsOptionDisable = 'Disable'; var jsOptionApprove = 'Approve'; var jsOptionBlock = 'Block'; var jsCreated = 'Created: '; var jsModified = 'Modified: '; var messageLP = 'This will cancel all the changes you might have made.'; var jsYes = 'Yes'; var jsNo = 'No'; var jsNoGroup = 'No Group'; var decimalDelim = '.'; var commaDelim = ','; // define strings var jsAreYouSure = 'Are You Sure?'; var jsAPIfailed = 'Server call failed for unknown reason. Please try your action again...'; var jsLoading = 'Loading...'; var jsResult = 'Changes Saved.'; var jsError = 'Error Occurred!'; // Users var jsUserDeleteMessage = 'This operation will delete %s (%s %s); are you sure you want to do this?'; var jsUserDeleteGlobal = 'This operation will permanently delete this user. If they are used in any other product that shares your authentication table, they will be deleted there as well. Are you sure you want to do this?'; var jsUserImport = 'Import'; var jsUserDelete = 'Delete'; var jsUserFormPasswordBlank = 'Password field cannot be left blank.'; var jsUserFormPasswordMismatch = 'The two passwords do not match; you should re-type them and try again.'; var jsUserFormValidationFail = 'To add or change a user, you must ensure that they have at least a username, password and group.'; var jsUserFormValidationUserBadchars = 'A username can only have lower-case letters and/or numbers, and may not have any spaces in it.'; var jsUserFormMissingGroups = 'You need to select at least one group for this user to belong to.'; // AC_GLOBAL CONTEXTS var syncEnterTitle = 'Please type in the sync name...'; var syncMissingTitle = 'You did not provide a sync name. Type it in now...'; var syncEnterUser = 'Please type in the database username...'; var syncMissingUser = 'You did not provide a database username. Type it in now...'; var syncEnterHost = 'Please type in the database host name...'; var syncMissingHost = 'You did not provide a database host name. Type it in now...'; var syncNothingChanged = 'You did not change anything. Do you wish to save this sync anyway?'; var syncMissingRelid = 'You did not select a sync destination. Please select it first...'; var syncMissingTable = 'Please select a table you wish to sync with first.'; var syncMissingQuery = 'You did not enter a proper (SELECT) database query. Please write down the query or select a table to sync...'; var syncDuplicateMapping = 'You cannot sync the same field twice. Please select different destinations for every mapped field.'; var syncMissingMapping = 'You did not map a required field %s. Please select a field in external database for it.'; var syncCustomQuery = 'Custom Query'; var syncShowTables = 'Show Tables'; var syncHideTables = 'Hide Tables'; var syncShowSynced = 'Show Synced'; var syncHideSynced = 'Hide Synced'; var syncShowFailed = 'Show Failed'; var syncHideFailed = 'Hide Failed'; var syncTitleRun = 'Initiating Synchronization'; var syncTitleTest = 'Testing Synchronization'; var syncStartRun = 'Start Sync'; var syncStartTest = 'Start Test'; var importMissingRelid = 'You did not select an import destination. Please select it first...'; var importMissingText = 'You did not enter any data into a text box. Please add data first...'; var importMissingFile = 'You did not upload a file to import. Please do that first...'; var importMissingMapping = 'You did not map a required field %s. Please select a column for it.'; var importDuplicateMapping = 'You cannot map the same field twice. Please select different destinations for every mapped field.'; var importSuccessfulMapping = 'Mapping successful.'; var installerFoundTables = 'Installer has found a version of %s already installed.'; var installerFoundTablesOptions = '\n\nYour options are:\n1) Please enter a different database information and click NEXT.\n2) Move/Backup your previous database data and click NEXT\n3) Install can remove your old installation for you.\n\n\nDo you want installer to remove found installation?'; var installerRemoveTablesConfirm = 'THIS WILL REMOVE TABLES FROM THE DATABASE!\n\n Are you sure you wish to continue?'; var installerAuthTableMissing = 'Table `acp_globalauth` was not found on this connection. Please choose another.'; var strPersCustomFields = 'Custom Fields'; var strPersGlobalFields = 'Global Custom Fields'; var strPersSystemTags = 'System Personalization Tags'; var syncConfDeleteSingle = 'Are you sure you want to delete this sync job?'; var syncConfDeleteMulti = 'Are you sure you want to delete the following sync jobs?'; var editorConfirmSwitch = 'Do you wish to convert existing text to other format?'; var editorPersonalizeTitle = 'Insert Personalization'; var editorActiveRSSTitle = 'Insert RSS Feed'; var editorTemplateTitle = 'Insert Template'; var editorConditionalTitle = 'Insert Conditional Content'; var editorConditionalText = 'Insert Content Here'; var editorConditionalElseText = 'Insert Alternative Content Here'; var jsErrorMailerBarMessage = 'Unexpected Error Occurred.'; var jsAPIErrorAuthMessage = 'You are not authorized to access this file'; // add public side strings herevar datetimeformat = "%d/%m/%Y %H:%M"; var dateformat = "%d/%m/%Y"; var timeformat = "%H:%M"; var ac_js_site = { "id" : 1, "lang" : "english", "acpow" : "RW1haWwgTWFya2V0aW5n", "p_link" : "", "emfrom" : "", "version" : "5.3.2", "updatecheck" : 1, "updatedate" : "2025-03-07", "updateversion" : "\n\n\n\n\n
%SITENAME%<\/a>\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
\n %HEADERNAV%\n<\/div>\n\n
\n %PAGECONTENT%\n <\/div>\n<\/div>\n\n
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